Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another good day!

Taylor had another good day! Nothing really changed. I am so used to bad news, that "nothing changed" is so relieving to me. I know my little girl and I know that she's going to kick some bootie and get healthy! She just needs a break, and that's something I wondered if she would get. She is, and I'm so grateful! Thank you to everyone that has kept her in your thoughts.

I'm really missing my little girl tonight. It got me writing again...

Sweet Baby Girl

Sweet baby girl
if I could take your pain
I would not hesitate
nor would I strain

I can find no reason
why you suffer so
There is no reason
here that I know

That could explain
why it is must be you
It is so unfair but
fairness is askew

And here you lie
suffering again
Your accomplishments
never forgotten

Sweet baby girl
I do not know why
these things happen
or how I'll get by

Because seeing you
is killing me
and I just want you
back with me

Back in my arms
cuddled in that space
I want to see that smile
on your beautiful face

I want to wake up to
tommorow's alarm
and see you lying
in your mother's arms

Sweet baby girl
I know you will be fine
Deep down I know
all it takes is time

But it hurts so deep
and it stabs the soul
Every grimace
it hits me whole

I hear the machine
it is in my head
but I will think
of tomorrow instead

when you are home
within my arms
because that is
where you belong

1 comment:

Tonya said...

That is beautiful Scott! We love and miss you all and are praying for the tiny princess!