Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Pictures

I apologize for not updating this for a while. With the holidays, winter storms, returning to work (with a vengeance), adjusting to our new life, and trying to maintain life in a sleep-deprived world (we wish we would have brought home a night nurse with us), the blog has suffered.

Taylor is doing so well. She's just a normal little baby girl. Her life is pretty much eating and sleeping. She has her occasional bouts where I swear she's downed a couple cups of coffee or something and seems wired. She's so alert and in to her surroundings. Michelle made the comment the other day where she thought that Taylor was reaching a new stage of alertness. It seems to be true. Tonight she reached out and grabbed one of her toys on the bouncer for the first time. She did it again a little bit later. We both think she's getting close to that stage now where she's going to start smiling all the time.

Taylor's first Christmas has come and gone. It was a very weird Christmas this year. Winter hit us hard this year. It snowed hard for two weeks prior to Christmas and we STILL have a lot of snow on the ground and it was snowing again tonight. We lost power Christmas Eve, and didn't get it back until several days later. It made Christmas interesting, that's for sure. I would never had guessed that the kids and I would be sick of snow, but we all pretty much are. Well, all except Haylee who seems to have a new fondness for it now as school might get canceled in the morning (3 weeks at home - you'd think she would be ready to go back).

It was w/out a doubt though a Christmas to remember. We are so fortunate and feel so blessed. When all of this started, all I could think of about was how I couldn't wait for Christmas and how it was going to be such a special Christmas. With the storms and lack of power, it wasn't exactly how I had envisioned it, but it was a great Christmas. I couldn't ask for anything more than our family being together, happy and healthy!

Anyway, I updated the Picasa album with some new pictures. There's even some photos from the day we left the hospital.