Saturday, October 4, 2008

Doctor was just in

Taylor does have some fluid on the lungs and it does concern the doctor. The main worry is the that the ductus arteriosus may not be closing like it should. This is basically a valve to the heart and lungs that is suppose to close after birth (the placenta provided the oxygen when she was in the womb). Its something we've been aware of as a possibility. She's not showing any other signs of problems right now (minus the sat levels varying and the fluid sound), so its basically a wait and see. There is no heart murmur, her blood pressure for the most part has been stable, and her heart rate for the most part has been stable. Her apnea spells seem to be less today as well.  Anyway, if it needs treatment, they'll probably start with indocine. If that doesn't work, surgery may be required (but that's only a small chance). 

The plan is still to ween her from her ivs and remove the PIC line within a day or two. The caffeine can be given orally. They are restricting fluids a little more and have moved up to CPAP level 6 (from 5). The CPAP will just be giving her some more pressure now to help. There's are of course side effects to increased pressure and increased oxygen. Hopefully, Taylor will respond quickly and she can get back on room air and less pressure.

They don't want to remove the CPAP anymore during holdings. And they are recommending that we consider going down to one kangaroo care sitting a day (but perhaps a little longer). We had already decided to give her a break this morning. Last night's session with me didn't go to well. The mustache piece that holds the CPAP on her face was coming loose, and the CPAP wasn't functioning very well. Her oxygen sat levels were all over the place and there were a lot of alarms during it. It was still nice to be able to hold her though.

Today is Tristan's birthday. Michelle and the kids are on the way to the hospital right now to pick me up. Beth is coming to spend the day with Taylor so that Michelle and myself can be with Tristan. We really appreciate it. Hopefully tonight we will get one of the family rooms here in the NICU and we can be together as a family. I haven't heard yet if we got a room (there are 2) or not. I begged pretty hard this morning for one though. 

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