Michelle's upset she can't be here. She was supposed to be at the hospital the last couple days, but has a cold that just seems to be geting worse. I feel for her today. Its like there's a new baby in our room. I've been watching her a lot today. Her facial expressions during pooping and passing gas have been entertaining me a lot. I have some of it on video but don't have a way yet to get the video to the blog.
I'm just crossing my fingers that she makes it through the night off the CPAP. She's still a few hours away from reaching that 12 hr milestone. I hope Michelle's cold gets better and she can be here tomorrow to enjoy her very cute baby that everyone keeps comments looks a lot like her.
Oh, I forgot to mention that she had her first vision test on Tuesday and passed it flying colors. It wasn't very pleasant to watch. They have some eye clamps they use to hold the eye open and the doctor moved her eye around with what looked like a q-tip. The clamps bruised her eyelids some and the eyelids are a little swollen as a result. She has another in 2 weeks that we may see if we can postponed. The doctor said her eyes were doing real well, so maybe they can wait 4 weeks instead of 2, especially if she is no longer on CPAP or oxygen.
Also, if she stays off the CPAP, they will be moving the feeding tube up to go through her nose instead of her mouth.
1 comment:
Yeah Taylor!!!! Way to go. Praying and praying she stays off that CPAP with no problems. She is the cutest little thing. I can't wait to kiss and cuddle her! 1 month old!!! Seems so strange when she is not even due until mid/late December! Keep up the good work princess, mommy, and daddy! You are all amazing!
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